
Wednesday 2 October 2013

2013 Proves to be a Disappointing Year so far...

I know there are some good 'Summer Blockbusters,' but they're not my cup of tea. They're for the masses, but they don't really capture my adoration. I'm always out and about, looking for a great drama to watch, or a beautiful romance, or a disturbing crime/murder film, or a tear-jerking true story. We've had our fair share of special effects filled, mind-numbing action movies this year. I'm just sitting here, waiting for something interesting to go and see. Sure, there have been some great movies this year. Upstream Color, Mud, Stoker, and Fruitvale Station have proved to be outstanding and memorable additions to the world of cinema. BUT... they're just not masterpieces to me. None of them made me god "WOW!" Or feel truly passionate about cinema again. Last year there were a number of films that ignited my passion for cinema... but this year has so far been a bust.

What I'm trying to say is, this year just hasn't been as good as last year. Things will most likely improve as awards season comes around, but the industry has left me feeling gutted at the lack of great cinema it's been producing so far.


  1. 2013 has been dreadful for movies, lots of flops, the most I've ever seen I think. Ideas are getting more and more scarce.

    1. Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Though I did just see gravity today and I loved it. My favourite movie of the year so far :)

  2. I plan on seeing Upstream Color Tomorrow Night and Gravity on Saturday. This has not been a memorable year for movies, but I'm still going to try and remain optomisitc

    1. Can't wait to hear what you think of them :) They're my two favourite movies of 2013.

  3. I rarely give 5-star rating to movies I watched but suddenly there is "Gravity" that with no doubt deserves my 5-star rating. The last time I gave 5-star is 2011, when I watched "The Tree of Life". There's no 5-starred movies in 2012 (the best is "Life of Pi", but I gave it 4.5-star), so so far 2013 is better than last year. ;))

    Usually Fall movies attract me better than Summer movies, we'll see.

    1. I gave three films 5 star ratings last year. They were: Life of Pi, Les Miserables, and Beasts of the Southern Wild. That's why I think it was a much better year :) Gravity is the best film of the year so far, but I just don't think it's perfect.
