Sunday, 18 May 2014

10 Film Facts You Didn't Know About Me

1. The Land Before Time is a childhood favourite of mine. I work in a child-care, and I watched it with a new generation of children. They were all enthralled! Meanwhile, I had to turn away because I got overly emotional and had to fight back tears. 

The Land Before Time (1988)

2. I truly enjoy watching "Twilight." It took me out of the depressing world of high school, and to this day I still think it's a good film. I guess it is my guiltiest pleasure of all.

3. James Franco is a good actor, but for some reason, I don't like him as a person. He annoys me so much! 
James Franco everybody...

4. The only film I've ever walked out on was "Paul Blart: Mall Cop." I found it so unfunny that it aggravated me. It was my 14th birthday too. There's only so much "fat guy gets hurt" humour I can take, until it becomes as irritating as the sound of nails scraping a chalkboard.

5. I think Studio Ghibli is a vastly superior animation company to Disney, because of their quality of stories, scores, and even animation. Few Disney films stand up with the best of Ghibli.

A collection of some of the works from Studio Ghibli.
6. Two directors are notorious for their disturbing actions in the past. Woody Allen, and Roman Polanski. I tend to hold the viewpoint that "talent is talent," and these men have talent. I don't agree with their actions... but I love their films. 

7. The first gay film I ever saw was an Aussie film called "The Sum of Us," starring Russell Crowe. I was 6 years old, and it was my first time seeing two men kiss. I can't even describe just how obsessed I was with that film. It was an important part of my life.

Russell Crowe and Jack Thompson in "The Sum of Us." Love these Aussie legends <3
8. Glenn Close is in my opinion the most underrated actress of all time. As much as I adore actresses like Bette Davis and Meryl Streep, I feel Close deserves just as much praise. 

9. The score to the film "Monster" (2003), by Brian Transeau  is one of the most moving pieces of music I've ever heard. No other score captures the feelings of heart-ache and depression quite like this underrated masterpiece. 

Theron's performance, and Transeau's score, moved me to tears. Such a powerful, underrated film.
Listen to the score in the video below:

10. The film "United 93" devastated me to the point where my hands were shaking, and I couldn't even talk because I was so overcome with emotion.

I wasn't aware of what would happen at the end of United 93. I've never been so affected by a film in my life.

There you go guys. These are just some random facts about myself. I will try to do this at least once a month, so you can get to know me more as I review films. Thanks for reading, and let me know what you think!


  1. I used to watch The Land Before Time all of the time when I was younger. I have it on DVD, but I've yet to watch it once. Too many nostalgic feelings.
    I can't James Franco either. I think he's one of the most pretentious over rated actors of today. He and George Clooney totally irk me.

    1. Glad I'm not the only one who loved The Land Before Time.

      George Clooney really gets on my nerves too. Good actor, annoying person.

  2. Nice set of facts. I was obsessed with Land Before Time too!

    LOL at Franco. His time has passed (although he did have a great 2013). I'm ready for him to hang it up and leave.

    I'm with you on talent is talent...

    1. Glad you agree, and I'm really happy to see that The Land Before Time is so adored among so many generations!

  3. Love #8. You are so right - I've never thought about it before but Glenn Close is completely underrated!

  4. The Land Before Time seems to have been a part of everyone's childhood - I have to admit it was a love of mine and my siblings as well. I just recently fell in love with Studio Ghibli with the Wind That Blows. I'm gonna go back and see them all! Cheers. BTW Nice to meetcha.

    1. I recently watched it with some of the children I teach at Kindergarten. I shed a tear. It overwhelmed me to see a new generation of kids fall in love with the film that guided me as a child.

  5. I think I know how you felt about Paul Blart: Mall Cop. I only saw a bit of it on television once but it looked really bad and I imagine seeing it would be like my experience watching This is the End: me sitting with a blank expression trying in vein to figure out what exactly is supposed to be funny (except in this case perhaps minus the guy several rows behind me who keeps bursting into laughter every other moment).

    1. I didn't expect anything from it... but words cannot describe how much it repulsed me.

  6. Nice list! I agree, Glenn Close really should be more lauded than she is. One of the finest actresses we've ever had.

    1. Awesome to have a celebrity blogger like you here Alex ;) Thanks. Close is up there with the all time greats for me.
