
Wednesday 22 January 2014

Blogathon: Life, Love and Movies

The awesome Nostra from and Karamel Kinema have created a fun new blogathon that I've decided to participate in! You can find their announcement here. Here goes nothing!

1. What was the first movie you saw in the cinema and what do you remember about that visit?

The first movie I ever saw in cinema was The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. I was 6 years old at the time. There were two things I remembered about the film. The first being the Ring Wraith peering over the old log that the four hobbits were hiding under. The second being the scene where Gandalf falls... which broke my heart, even though I didn't understand anything that went on in the movie. It tore me to shreds. This film to this day remains as one of my favourites.

2. Are there any movies you have very strong memories of which are not because of the movie?

This may not be appropriate, but it's the only story that comes to mind. In 2013, I watched Clueless with the boyfriend of one of my friends. Out of nowhere, he started kissing my neck whilst I was trying to enjoy the movie. I got up, paused the movie, and told him to control himself or I'm going to bed.

3. Which movie had a big impact on you and changed a (small) part of your view on life?

Ikiru (1952) by Akira Kurosawa taught me to seize the day, and do everything you can to utilise the time you have left on this Earth.

4. Do you have any comfort movies which you return to because you are in a specific mood?

Titanic comforts me no matter what mood I'm in.

5. If a movie would be made about your life, what type of movie would it be and who would you like to portray you?

My life would be a drama, filled with many high-school horror stories, and my personal journey of learning to accept myself. It would be much like the style of Noah Baumbach's 'Frances Ha,' but with shades of Andrew Haigh's 'Weekend.'

6. Which existing movie best represents you?
To be perfectly honest, my life is too boring to be anything like a movie as of now. All I do is work three jobs to pay for university, and blog in my spare time. If you can think of a similar movie, do let me know :)

7. If you knew you would die tomorrow, what would be the last movie you would want to see?

Without a doubt, I'd pick Gone With the Wind (1939) as the last film I'd ever see. It is three and a half hours of riveting drama, romance, war, and history. If there was one last line I'd want to hear before the world would end, it would be, "After all, tomorrow is another day."

8. If you can spend your life working in the film industry, what would you be and why?

I'd be a director, of course! My dream is to direct movies. I'd also love to write screenplays, direct cinematography, and even score some of my own original music. Above all, I just want to make my own movies.

1. Did you ever have a first kiss with someone while at the cinema?
The short answer: no. Sigh, one day...

2. What is your favorite movie relationship and why? 

This was a tough decision, but in the end I'd have to go with Russell and Glen from Weekend (2011). These two men knew each other for only 2 days, yet they both had the biggest impact on each other's lives. Their relationship was the most realistic I've ever seen in any movie, all because of the beautiful chemistry between Tom Cullen and Chris New. My runners-up for Best Relationship goes to Bob Harris and Charlotte from Lost in Translation, who are unconventional yet so good together. 

3. When did your love for movies start and how has it grown?

I can't quite pinpoint the exact moment my obsession for movies started. It happened some time in 2011. I remember watching the Academy Awards that year, and rooting for Glenn Close for her performance in Albert Nobbs. I was so invested in that character that I started watching other nominated films, and thus I got hooked on the world of cinema. My love for movies probably started with Disney when I was a child though. 

4. If you have to choose one film to watch with your loved one, what would it be and why?

I'd want to watch Millennium Actress with my significant other. It's a film that touches my soul, and breaks my heart through pure romance and tragedy. I think it's a film that would undoubtedly bring us closer together. 

5. If you can choose one character from a movie to be your significant other who would it be and why?

Jack Dawson from Titanic was the very first character I ever had a crush on. Let's just say that my feelings haven't changed. He's the kind of guy that would take you horse-riding on the beach, or go ride a roller-coaster with you, or sacrifice his own life to save yours. He's fun, he's well-traveled, he's down to Earth... he's gorgeous. Jack Dawson has it all.

7. How did your passion for movies turn you into a movie blogger?
I'm going to level with you. I was in the 12th Grade when I started, and all I wanted was to become famous, gain heaps of fans, and earn bucketloads of money. Poor, naive little honkey I was. As disappointment started rolling in, I stopped writing reviews and just gave up. I took up writing again at the beginning of 2013, mainly to use as an index of my favourite movies, and to have a forum to converse with other bloggers about our likes and dislikes on cinema. I'm now addicted to blogging about movies, because let's face it, it's heaps of fun!

8. What is your favorite date from a movie?

Bob Harris and Charlotte from Lost in Translation went on the most entertaining date I've ever seen. They traversed through the clubs of Tokyo, got high in some guy's apartment, then ended it all with some karaoke with newfound friends. The whole experience made me grin like an idiot :)

To learn more about me and the movies, 


  1. I feel old! You saw LOTR when you were 6! But what an incredible film to see on the big screen. I remember seeing the film in the cinema too - it was a more-than satisfying relief to see the film live up to my heightened expectations.

    Nice to see someone else who has seen Weekend - an incredible film; one that should me relationship/romance movies could be done well, and with substance, in this day and age without resorting to typical Hollywood cliches. Like you say above - their relationship felt authentic, real.

    1. Hell yeah. I'd kill to see The LOTR Trilogy back on the big-screen again. I've read the novels since, and I'm super happy with Jackson's adaptation onto screen. Unfortunately, he wasn't so great with The Hobbit... oh well, I'm glad you liked the Fellowship as much as I did :)

      I'm so glad to see that someone else appreciated Weekend as much as I did. I agree with you 100%. It was the realist portrayal of a relationship I think I've ever seen in a movie.

      Thanks Dan!

    2. Dan, I second your sentiments - I was nealry 30 when I went to see FOTR!! Now I really DO Feel old....

  2. Correction: "Nice to see someone else who has seen Weekend - an incredible film; one that SHOWED me relationship/romance movies could be done well, and with substance, in this day and age without resorting to typical Hollywood cliches. Like you say above - their relationship felt authentic, real."

  3. Oh Jack Dawson! Hahah I'd just take Leonardo DiCaprio in every film he's ever done, even when he plays a bad guy!
    Love your choices - I love Lost in Translation too, should have added that one to my post :)

    1. Haha, I'd also take Leonardo DiCaprio in every film he's ever done... such perfection!

  4. Oh God, I'm ancient since I was a teenager when LotR films were in cinemas :) I love the adoration for Titanic here, it's so underrated and looked down on these days and it's a wonderful movie.

    1. Haha oh God, everyone's making me feel like a young squirt now ;) I'm so glad to see all this love for Titanic right now! I'm so used to peeps being all "ugh, that's such an overrated cheesy movie." Thanks Sati!

  5. Cool read. "The Fellowship" is a wonderful way to start down the road to becoming a cinephile.

    1. It's still one of my Top 10 all time favourite films too :)

  6. I'll go with everyone and squeal: You were 6 when you saw LOTR??!!! *gasps*
    Titanic is your comfort film? I usually goes for something more subdued than that XD But i'm glad you love it, a lot of younger viewers (at least the one with me when they screened the 3D re-release) were laughing about it. Brats!
    Yay for Russell and Glenn, i really love their chemistry too

    1. OMG am I really that young? If those brats were in the same cinema as me, I would have blasted them with words of furious anger, on behalf of my beau... Jack Dawson of course ;)

  7. Titanic was a great movie; Leo DiCaprio was dreamy as Jack Dawson, and his chemistry with Kate Winslet was perfect. It's one of my favorites too. Watching LOTR on your first trip to the cinema must have been a treat!

    1. I'm so happy that LOTR was my first cinematic experience. You're so right about DiCaprio though... to me, he never looked better than when he was Jack Dawson :)

  8. My jaw kinda dropped when I read that Fellowship was the first film you saw in the cinema! WOW! Little 6 year old you must have been totally awe struck by the film!

    1. All I can remember about it is when Gandalf was taken down by that demon, I was devastated. The 'old man' as I called him, was my favourite character :( haha

  9. Love these answers!!!

    I think it's crazy how many bloggers say that a story about their lives would resemble Frances Ha. That has to be the most bloggerly beloved movie of last year.

    And anyone who loved Titanic and Weekend is aces in my book!

    1. Titanic and Weekend are treasures I hold dear :)

      I was really surprised at the amount of love for Frances Ha too. It just goes to show how relevant it is to this modern generation.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I know... my face goes red with embarrassment whenever I think of it :(
      Glad you love Lost in Translation too! It gives me such a profound feeling of elation!

  11. Ben, sorry, but Jack Dawson is mine! I feel so happy when I meet people who have that "special connection" with Titanic and its characters. You might be interested in this:

    (I don't usually leave links of my blog in comments, but I get super-excited when it comes to Titanic).

    Beautiful post!

    1. Titanic will forever be my favourite film <3

      Great article Evi!
